Spark has been endorsed by Cloudera as the successor to MapReduce. That
says a lot...

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Andras Nemeth <> wrote:

> Hello Spark Users,
> With the recent graduation of Spark to a top level project (grats, btw!),
> maybe a well timed question. :)
> We are at the very beginning of a large scale big data project and after
> two months of exploration work we'd like to settle on the technologies to
> use, roll up our sleeves and start to build the system.
> Spark is one of the forerunners for our technology choice.
> My question in essence is whether it's a good idea or is Spark too
> 'experimental' just yet to bet our lives (well, the project's life) on it.
> The benefits of choosing Spark are numerous and I guess all too obvious
> for this audience - e.g. we love its powerful abstraction, ease of
> development and the potential for using a single system for serving and
> manipulating huge amount of data.
> This email aims to ask about the risks. I enlist concrete issues we've
> encountered below, but basically my concern boils down to two philosophical
> points:
> I. Is it too much magic? Lots of things "just work right" in Spark and
> it's extremely convenient and efficient when it indeed works. But should we
> be worried that customization is hard if the built in behavior is not quite
> right for us? Are we to expect hard to track down issues originating from
> the black box behind the magic?
> II. Is it mature enough? E.g. we've created a pull 
> request<>which fixes a problem that 
> we were very surprised no one ever stumbled upon
> before. So that's why I'm asking: is Spark being already used in
> professional settings? Can one already trust it being reasonably bug free
> and reliable?
> I know I'm asking a biased audience, but that's fine, as I want to be
> convinced. :)
> So, to the concrete issues. Sorry for the long mail, and let me know if I
> should break this out into more threads or if there is some other way to
> have this discussion...
> 1. Memory management
> The general direction of these questions is whether it's possible to take
> RDD caching related memory management more into our own hands as LRU
> eviction is nice most of the time but can be very suboptimal in some of our
> use cases.
> A. Somehow prioritize cached RDDs, E.g. mark some "essential" that one
> really wants to keep. I'm fine with going down in flames if I mark too much
> data essential.
> B. Memory "reflection": can you pragmatically get the memory size of a
> cached rdd and memory sizes available in total/per executor? If we could do
> this we could indirectly avoid automatic evictions of things we might
> really want to keep in memory.
> C. Evictions caused by RDD partitions on the driver. I had a setup with
> huge worker memory and smallish memory on the driver JVM. To my surprise,
> the system started to cache RDD partitions on the driver as well. As the
> driver ran out of memory I started to see evictions while there were still
> plenty of space on workers. This resulted in lengthy recomputations. Can
> this be avoided somehow?
> D. Broadcasts. Is it possible to get rid of a broadcast manually, without
> waiting for the LRU eviction taking care of it? Can you tell the size of a
> broadcast programmatically?
> 2. Akka lost connections
> We have quite often experienced lost executors due to akka exceptions -
> mostly connection lost or similar. It seems to happen when an executor gets
> extremely busy with some CPU intensive work. Our hypothesis is that akka
> network threads get starved and the executor fails to respond within
> timeout limits. Is this plausible? If yes, what can we do with it?
> In general, these are scary errors in the sense that they come from the
> very core of the framework and it's hard to link it to something we do in
> our own code, and thus hard to find a fix. So a question more for the
> community: how often do you end up scratching your head about cases where
> spark magic doesn't work perfectly?
> 3. Recalculation of cached rdds
> I see the following scenario happening. I load two RDDs A,B from disk,
> cache them and then do some jobs on them, at the very least a count on
> each. After these jobs are done I see on the storage panel that 100% of
> these RDDs are cached in memory.
> Then I create a third RDD C which is created by multiple joins and maps
> from A and B, also cache it and start a job on C. When I do this I still
> see A and B completely cached and also see C slowly getting more and more
> cached. This is all fine and good, but in the meanwhile I see stages
> running on the UI that point to code which is used to load A and B. How is
> this possible? Am I misunderstanding how cached RDDs should behave?
> And again the general question - how can one debug such issues?
> 4. Shuffle on disk
> Is it true - I couldn't find it in official docs, but did see this
> mentioned in various threads - that shuffle _always_ hits disk?
> (Disregarding OS caches.) Why is this the case? Are you planning to add a
> function to do shuffle in memory or are there some intrinsic reasons for
> this to be impossible?
> Sorry again for the giant mail, and thanks for any insights!
> Andras

Dean Wampler, Ph.D.

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