
I believe I figured out how the behavior here: 

A file specified to SparkContext like this '/PATH/TO/SOME/FILE': 

        * Will be interpreted as 'HDFS://path/to/some/file', when settings for
HDFS are present in '/ETC/HADOOP/CONF/*-SITE.XML'.
        * Will be interpreted as 'FILE:///path/to/some/file', (i.e. locally)

I confirmed this behavior by temporarily doing this: 

        * user$ sudo mv /etc/hadoop/conf /etc/hadoop/conf_

after which I re-ran my commands below. This time the SparkContext did,
indeed, look for and found, the file locally. 

In summary, '/PATH/TO/SOME/FILE' is interpreted as an in-HDFS relative
path when a HDFS configuration is found; and interpreted as an absolute
local UNIX file path when a HDFS configuration is *not* found. 

To be on the safe side, it's probably best to qualify local files with
'FILE:///' when that is what's intended; ahd with 'hdfs://' when HDFS is
what's intended. 

Hopes this helps someone. :) 

Noel M. Vega

On 2014-04-10 14:53, DiData wrote: 

> Hi Alton:
> Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to build/use it from scratch to get a 
> better intuition of what's a happening.
> Btw, using the binaries provided by Cloudera/CDH5 yielded the same issue as 
> my compiled version (i.e. it, too,
> tried to access the HDFS / Name Node. Same exact error).
> However, a small breakthrough. Just now I tinkered some more and found that 
> this variation works:
> REPLACE THIS: >>> distData = 
> sc.textFile('/home/user/Download/ml-10M100K/ratings.dat') WITH THIS: >>> 
> distData = sc.textFile('FILE:/// 
> [2]home/user/Download/ml-10M100K/ratings.dat') That is, use 'file:/// [2]'. I 
> don't know if that is the correct way of specifying the URI for local files, 
> or whether this just *happens to work*. The documents that I've read thus far 
> haven't shown it that specified way, but I still have more to read. 
> =:)
> Thank you, 
> ~NMV
> On 04/10/2014 04:20 PM, Alton Alexander wrote: 
> I am doing the exact same thing for the purpose of learning. I also
> don't have a hadoop cluster and plan to scale on ec2 as soon as I get
> it working locally.
> I am having good success just using the binaries on and not compiling
> from source... Is there a reason why you aren't just using the
> binaries?
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 1:30 PM, DiData <subscripti...@didata.us> wrote:
> Hello friends:
> I recently compiled and installed Spark v0.9 from the Apache distribution.
> Note: I have the Cloudera/CDH5 Spark RPMs co-installed as well (actually,
> the
> entire big-data suite from CDH is installed), but for the moment I'm using
> my
> manually built Apache Spark for 'ground-up' learning purposes.
> Now, prior to compilation (i.e. 'sbt/sbt clean compile') I specified the
> following:
> export SPARK_YARN=true
> export SPARK_HADOOP_VERSION=2.3.0-cdh5.0.0
> The resulting examples ran fine locally as well as on YARN.
> I'm not interested in YARN here; just mentioning it for completeness in case
> that matters in
> my upcoming question. Here is my issue / question:
> I start pyspark locally -- on one machine for API learning purposes -- as
> shown below, and attempt to
> interact with a local text file (not in HDFS). Unfortunately, the
> SparkContext (sc) tries to connect to
> a HDFS Name Node (which I don't currently have enabled because I don't need
> it).
> The SparkContext cleverly inspects the configurations in my
> '/etc/hadoop/conf/' directory to learn
> where my Name Node is, however I don't want it to do that in this case. I
> just want it to run a
> one-machine local version of 'pyspark'.
> Did I miss something in my invocation/use of 'pyspark' below? Do I need to
> add something else?
> (Btw: I searched but could not find any solutions, and the documentation,
> while good, doesn't
> quite get me there).
> See below, and thank you all in advance!
> user$ export PYSPARK_PYTHON=/usr/bin/bpython
> user$ export MASTER=local[8]
> user$ /home/user/APPS.d/SPARK.d/latest/bin/pyspark
> #
> ===========================================================================================
>>>> sc
> <pyspark.context.SparkContext object at 0x24f0f50>
>>>> distData = sc.textFile('/home/user/Download/ml-10M100K/ratings.dat')
>>>> distData.count()
> [ ... snip ... ]
> Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o21.collect.
> : java.net.ConnectException: Call From server01/ to
> namenode:8020 failed on connection exception:
> java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused; For more details see:
> http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ConnectionRefused [1]
> [ ... snip ... ]
> #
> ===========================================================================================
> --
> Sincerely,
> DiData


[1] http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ConnectionRefused
[2] file:///

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