How big is each entry, and how much memory do you have on each
executor? You generated all data on driver and
sc.parallelize(bytesList) will send the entire dataset to a single
executor. You may run into I/O or memory issues. If the entries are
generated, you should create a simple RDD sc.parallelize(0 until 20,
20) and call mapPartitions to generate them in parallel. -Xiangrui

On Wed, Apr 23, 2014 at 9:23 AM, amit karmakar
<> wrote:
> Spark hangs after i perform the following operations
> ArrayList<byte[]> bytesList = new ArrayList<byte[]>();
> /*
>    add 40k entries to bytesList
> */
> JavaRDD<byte[]> rdd = sparkContext.parallelize(bytesList);
>  System.out.println("Count=" + rdd.count());
> If i add just one entry it works.
> It works if i modify,
> JavaRDD<byte[]> rdd = sparkContext.parallelize(bytesList)
> to
> JavaRDD<byte[]> rdd = sparkContext.parallelize(bytesList, 20);
> There is nothing in the logs that can help understand the reason.
> What could be reason for this ?
> Regards,
> Amit Kumar Karmakar

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