
If you want to do aggregations like count that spans across days, weeks or
months, AND do not want the result in real-time, then Spark Streaming
probably not the best thing to use. You probably should store all the data
in a data store (HDFS file or database) and then use Spark job / SQL
queries to do the counting. Spark Streaming is most useful when you want
the processing results based on incoming data streams within seconds of
receiving the data. In case, you want to do aggregations across a day's
data and do it in real time and continuously (e.g. every 5 second, count
records received in last 1 day), then you probably have to do something a
little bit smarter - have per-10-minute / per-hour counts, which gets
continuously together with the latest partial-hour counts.

And regarding the cleaner setting, it should be according to the
computation. If you are using window operations that uses data in the last
30 minutes, then the cleaner TTL should be more than 30 minutes. The
default of one hour should work fine, unless you need to use data that is
more than an hour old. If that is indeed necessary, consider using
(almost-to-be-released) Spark 1.0. That eliminates the requirement of
setting cleaner TTL for Spark Streaming, because Spark core has been made
smart enough to do GC based clean up of unused RDDs and shuffle files.

Regarding the second part, I am not sure what you meant by " Spark
Streaming creates new DStreams for each interval".  Spark Streaming creates
RDDs in each interval. And if you want to count all records received by
Spark Streaming over time you can do something like this.

// variable in the driver
var numRecordsReceivedTillNow: Long = 0

yourDStream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
  val numRecordsInBatch = rdd.count
  // increment the counter in the driver with the count in each batch /
each RDD
  numRecordsReceivedTillNow += numRecordsInBatch

Hope this helps!


On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 5:40 AM, buremba <emrekaba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It seems default value for spark.cleaner.delay is 3600 seconds but I need
> to
> be able to count things on daily, weekly or even monthly based.
> I suppose the aim of DStream batches and spark.cleaner.delay is to avoid
> space issues (running out of memory etc.). I usually use HyperLogLog for
> counting unique things to save space, and AFAIK, the other metrics are
> simply long values which doesn't require much space.
> When I start learning Spark Streaming it really confused me because in my
> first "Hello World" example all I wanted is to count all events processed
> by
> Spark Streaming. DStream batches are nice but when I need simple counting
> operations it becomes complex. Since Spark Streaming creates new DStreams
> for each interval, I needed to merge them in a single DStream so I used
> updateStateByKey() to generate a StateDStream. I seems it works now but I'm
> not sure whether it's efficient or not because I all need is a single
> global
> counter but now Spark has counters for all 2 seconds intervals plus a
> global
> counter for StateDStream.
> I don't have any specific purpose like "Show me this type of unique things
> for last 10 minutes", instead I need to be able to count things in a large
> scale; it can be both 10 minutes or 1 month. I create pre-aggregation rules
> on the fly and when I need simple monthly based counter, Spark seems
> overkill to me for now.
> Do you have any advice for me to use efficiently using Spark Streaming?
> --
> View this message in context:
> http://apache-spark-user-list.1001560.n3.nabble.com/Any-advice-for-using-big-spark-cleaner-delay-value-in-Spark-Streaming-tp4895.html
> Sent from the Apache Spark User List mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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