Yes, this is what we've done as of now (if you read earlier threads). And
we were saying that we'd prefer if Spark supported persistent worker memory
management in a little bit less hacky way ;)

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 8:44 AM, Ian O'Connell <> wrote:

> A mutable map in an object should do what your looking for then I believe.
> You just reference the object as an object in your closure so it won't be
> swept up when your closure is serialized and you can reference variables of
> the object on the remote host then. e.g.:
> object MyObject {
>   val mmap = scala.collection.mutable.Map[Long, Long]()
> }
> { ele =>
> MyObject.mmap.getOrElseUpdate(ele, 1L)
> ...
> }.map {ele =>
> require(MyObject.mmap(ele) == 1L)
> }.count
> Along with the data loss just be careful with thread safety and multiple
> threads/partitions on one host so the map should be viewed as shared
> amongst a larger space.
> Also with your exact description it sounds like your data should be
> encoded into the RDD if its per-record/per-row:  RDD[(MyBaseData,
> LastIterationSideValues)]
> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 1:51 AM, Sung Hwan Chung <
> > wrote:
>> In our case, we'd like to keep memory content from one iteration to the
>> next, and not just during a single mapPartition call because then we can do
>> more efficient computations using the values from the previous iteration.
>> So essentially, we need to declare objects outside the scope of the
>> map/reduce calls (but residing in individual workers), then those can be
>> accessed from the map/reduce calls.
>> We'd be making some assumptions as you said, such as - RDD partition is
>> statically located and can't move from worker to another worker unless the
>> worker crashes.
>> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 1:35 AM, Sean Owen <> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 9:30 AM, Sung Hwan Chung <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Actually, I do not know how to do something like this or whether this
>>>> is possible - thus my suggestive statement.
>>>> Can you already declare persistent memory objects per worker? I tried
>>>> something like constructing a singleton object within map functions, but
>>>> that didn't work as it seemed to actually serialize singletons and pass it
>>>> back and forth in a weird manner.
>>> Does it need to be persistent across operations, or just persist for the
>>> lifetime of processing of one partition in one mapPartition? The latter is
>>> quite easy and might give most of the speedup.
>>> Maybe that's 'enough', even if it means you re-cache values several
>>> times in a repeated iterative computation. It would certainly avoid
>>> managing a lot of complexity in trying to keep that state alive remotely
>>> across operations. I'd also be interested if there is any reliable way to
>>> do that, though it seems hard since it means you embed assumptions about
>>> where particular data is going to be processed.

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