I had like to be corrected on this but I am just trying to say small enough
of the order of few 100 MBs. Imagine the size gets shipped to all nodes, it
can be a GB but not GBs and then depends on the network too.

Prashant Sharma

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 6:42 PM, Diana Carroll <dcarr...@cloudera.com> wrote:

> Anyone have any guidance on using a broadcast variable to ship data to
> workers vs. an RDD?
> Like, say I'm joining web logs in an RDD with user account data.  I could
> keep the account data in an RDD or if it's "small", a broadcast variable
> instead.  How small is small?  Small enough that I know it can easily fit
> in memory on a single node?  Some other guideline?
> Thanks!
> Diana

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