i have some settings that i think are relevant for my application. they are
spark.akka settings so i assume they are relevant for both executors and my
driver program.

i used to do:

now this is deprecated. the alternatives mentioned are:
* some spark-submit settings which are not relevant to me since i do not
use spark-submit (i launch spark jobs from an existing application)
* spark.executor.extraJavaOptions to set -X options. i am not sure what -X
options are, but it doesnt sound like what i need, since its only for
* SPARK_DAEMON_OPTS to set java options for standalone daemons (i.e.
master, worker), that sounds like i should not use it since i am trying to
change settings for an app, not a daemon.

am i missing the correct setting to use?
should i do -Dspark.akka.frameSize=10000 on my application launch directly,
and then also set spark.executor.extraJavaOptions? so basically repeat it?

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