Hi Gerard, thank you for your feedbacks.

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:17 PM, Gerard Maas <gerard.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Benjamin,
> Yes, we initially used a modified version of the AmpLabs docker scripts
> [1]. The amplab docker images are a good starting point.
> One of the biggest hurdles has been HDFS, which requires reverse-DNS and I
> didn't want to go the dnsmasq route to keep the containers relatively
> simple to use without the need of external scripts. Ended up running a
> 1-node setup nnode+dnode. I'm still looking for a better solution for HDFS
> [2]
> Our usecase using docker is to easily create local dev environments both
> for development and for automated functional testing (using cucumber). My
> aim is to strongly reduce the time of the develop-deploy-test cycle.
> That  also means that we run the minimum number of instances required to
> have a functionally working setup. E.g. 1 Zookeeper, 1 Kafka broker, ...
> For the actual cluster deployment we have Chef-based devops toolchain that
>  put things in place on public cloud providers.
> Personally, I think Docker rocks and would like to replace those complex
> cookbooks with Dockerfiles once the technology is mature enough.
> -greetz, Gerard.
> [1] https://github.com/amplab/docker-scripts
> [2]
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23410505/how-to-run-hdfs-cluster-without-dns
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 11:00 PM, Benjamin <bboui...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Before considering running on Mesos, did you try to submit the
>> application on Spark deployed without Mesos on Docker containers ?
>> Currently investigating this idea to deploy quickly a complete set of
>> clusters with Docker, I'm interested by your findings on sharing the
>> settings of Kafka and Zookeeper across nodes. How many broker and zookeeper
>> do you use ?
>> Regards,
>> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 10:11 PM, Gerard Maas <gerard.m...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I'm currently working on creating a set of docker images to facilitate
>>> local development with Spark/streaming on Mesos (+zk, hdfs, kafka)
>>> After solving the initial hurdles to get things working together in
>>> docker containers, now everything seems to start-up correctly and the mesos
>>> UI shows slaves as they are started.
>>> I'm trying to submit a job from IntelliJ and the jobs submissions seem
>>> to get lost in Mesos translation. The logs are not helping me to figure out
>>> what's wrong, so I'm posting them here in the hope that they can ring a
>>> bell and somebdoy could provide me a hint on what's wrong/missing with my
>>> setup.
>>> ---- DRIVER (IntelliJ running a Job.scala main) ----
>>> 14/05/05 21:52:31 INFO MetadataCleaner: Ran metadata cleaner for
>>> 14/05/05 21:52:31 INFO BlockManager: Dropping broadcast blocks older
>>> than 1399319251962
>>> 14/05/05 21:52:31 INFO BlockManager: Dropping non broadcast blocks older
>>> than 1399319251962
>>> 14/05/05 21:52:31 INFO MetadataCleaner: Ran metadata cleaner for
>>> 14/05/05 21:52:31 INFO MetadataCleaner: Ran metadata cleaner for
>>> 14/05/05 21:52:32 INFO MetadataCleaner: Ran metadata cleaner for
>>> 14/05/05 21:52:32 INFO MetadataCleaner: Ran metadata cleaner for
>>> 14/05/05 21:52:32 INFO MetadataCleaner: Ran metadata cleaner for
>>> ---- MESOS MASTER ----
>>> I0505 19:52:39.718080   388 master.cpp:690] Registering framework
>>> 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6995 at scheduler(1)@
>>> I0505 19:52:39.718261   388 master.cpp:493] Framework
>>> 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6995 disconnected
>>> I0505 19:52:39.718277   389 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:332]
>>> Added framework 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6995
>>> I0505 19:52:39.718312   388 master.cpp:520] Giving framework
>>> 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6995 0ns to failover
>>> I0505 19:52:39.718431   389 hierarchical_allocator_process.hpp:408]
>>> Deactivated framework 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6995
>>> W0505 19:52:39.718459   388 master.cpp:1388] Master returning resources
>>> offered to framework 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6995 because the
>>> framework has terminated or is inactive
>>> I0505 19:52:39.718567   388 master.cpp:1376] Framework failover timeout,
>>> removing framework 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6995
>>> ---- MESOS SLAVE ----
>>> I0505 19:49:27.662019    20 slave.cpp:1191] Asked to shut down framework
>>> 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6803 by master@
>>> W0505 19:49:27.662072    20 slave.cpp:1206] Cannot shut down unknown
>>> framework 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6803
>>> I0505 19:49:28.662153    18 slave.cpp:1191] Asked to shut down framework
>>> 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6804 by master@
>>> W0505 19:49:28.662212    18 slave.cpp:1206] Cannot shut down unknown
>>> framework 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6804
>>> I0505 19:49:29.662199    13 slave.cpp:1191] Asked to shut down framework
>>> 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6805 by master@
>>> W0505 19:49:29.662256    13 slave.cpp:1206] Cannot shut down unknown
>>> framework 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6805
>>> I0505 19:49:30.662443    16 slave.cpp:1191] Asked to shut down framework
>>> 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6806 by master@
>>> W0505 19:49:30.662489    16 slave.cpp:1206] Cannot shut down unknown
>>> framework 201405051517-67113388-5050-383-6806
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Gerard.
>> --
>> Benjamin Bouillé
>> +33 665 050 285

Benjamin Bouillé
+33 665 050 285

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