Better, the current location:

On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 1:47 PM, Mark Hamstra <>wrote:

> On Fri, May 16, 2014 at 9:05 AM, Daniel Siegmann <
> > wrote:
>> I want to use accumulators to keep counts of things like invalid lines
>> found and such, for reporting purposes. Similar to Hadoop counters. This
>> may seem simple, but my case is a bit more complicated. The code which is
>> creating an RDD from a transform is separated from the code which performs
>> the operation on that RDD - or operations (I can't make any assumption as
>> to how many operations will be done on this RDD). There are two issues: (1)
>> I want to retrieve the accumulator value only after it has been computed,
>> and (2) I don't wan to count the same thing twice if the RDD is recomputed.
>> Here's a simple example, converting strings to integers. Any records
>> which can't be parsed as an integer are dropped, but I want to count how
>> many times that happens:
>> def numbers(val input: RDD[String]) : RDD[Int] = {
>>     val invalidRecords = sc.accumulator(0)
>>     input.flatMap { record =>
>>         try {
>>             Seq(record.toInt)
>>         } catch {
>>             case NumberFormatException => invalidRecords += 1; Seq()
>>         }
>>     }
>> }
>> I need some way to know when the result RDD has been computed so I can
>> get the accumulator value and reset it. Or perhaps it would be better to
>> say I need a way to ensure the accumulator value is computed exactly once
>> for a given RDD. Anyone know a way to do this? Or anything I might look
>> into? Or is this something that just isn't supported in Spark?
>> --
>> Daniel Siegmann, Software Developer
>> Velos
>> Accelerating Machine Learning
>> E: W:
>>  <>

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