Hi all,

I am trying to store the results of a reduce into mongo.
I want to share the variable "collection" in the mappers.

Here's what I have so far (I'm using pymongo)

db = MongoClient()['spark_test_db']
collec = db['programs']
db = MongoClient()['spark_test_db']
*collec = db['programs']*

def mapper(val):
    asc = val.encode('ascii','ignore')
    json = convertToJSON(asc, indexMap)
    collec.insert(json) # *this is not working*

def convertToJSON(string, indexMap):
    values = string.strip().split(",")
    json = {}
    for i in range(len(values)):
        json[indexMap[i]] = values[i]
    return json

How do I do this?

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