just for my clarification: off heap cannot be java objects, correct? so we
are always talking about serialized off-heap storage?
On May 20, 2014 1:27 AM, "Tathagata Das" <tathagata.das1...@gmail.com>

> That's one the main motivation in using Tachyon ;)
> http://tachyon-project.org/
> It gives off heap in-memory caching. And starting Spark 0.9, you can cache
> any RDD in Tachyon just by specifying the appropriate StorageLevel.
> TD
> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:22 PM, Mohit Jaggi <mohitja...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> I guess it "needs" to be this way to benefit from caching of RDDs in
>> memory. It would be nice however if the RDD cache can be dissociated from
>> the JVM heap so that in cases where garbage collection is difficult to
>> tune, one could choose to discard the JVM and run the next operation in a
>> few one.
>> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:06 PM, Matei Zaharia 
>> <matei.zaha...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> They’re tied to the SparkContext (application) that launched them.
>>> Matei
>>> On May 19, 2014, at 8:44 PM, Koert Kuipers <ko...@tresata.com> wrote:
>>> from looking at the source code i see executors run in their own jvm
>>> subprocesses.
>>> how long to they live for? as long as the worker/slave? or are they tied
>>> to the sparkcontext and life/die with it?
>>> thx

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