It's been another day of spinning up dead clusters...

I thought I'd finally worked out what everyone else knew - don't use the
default AMI - but I've now run through all of the "official" quick-start
linux releases and I'm none the wiser:

Amazon Linux AMI 2014.03.1 - ami-7aba833f (64-bit)
Provisions servers, connects, installs, but the webserver on the master
will not start

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.5 (HVM) - ami-5cdce419
Spot instance requests are not supported for this AMI.

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 sp3 (HVM) - ami-1a88bb5f
Not tested - costs 10x more for spot instances, not economically viable.

Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (HVM) - ami-f64f77b3
Provisions servers, but "git" is not pre-installed, so the cluster setup

Amazon Linux AMI (HVM) 2014.03.1 - ami-5aba831f
Provisions servers, but "git" is not pre-installed, so the cluster setup

Have I missed something? What AMI's are people using? I've just gone back
through the archives, and I'm seeing a lot of "I can't get EC2 to work" and
not a single "My EC2 has post-install issues",

The quickstart page says "...can have a spark cluster up and running in
five minutes." But it's been three days for me so far. I'm about to bite
the bullet and start building my own AMI's from scratch... if anyone can
save me from that, I'd be most grateful.

Jeremy Lee  BCompSci(Hons)
  The Unorthodox Engineers

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