One reason could be that the keys are in a different region. Need to create
the keys in us-east-1-North Virginia.

On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Sam Taylor Steyer <>

> Hi,
> I am trying to launch an EC2 cluster from spark using the following
> command:
> ./spark-ec2 -k HackerPair -i [path]/HackerPair.pem -s 2 launch
> HackerCluster
> I set my access key id and secret access key. I have been getting an error
> in the "setting up security groups..." phase:
> Invalid value 'null' for protocol. VPC security groups must specify
> protocols explicitly.
> My project partner gets one step further and then gets the error
> The key pair 'JamesAndSamTest' does not exist.
> Any thoughts as to how we could fix these problems? Thanks a lot!
> Sam

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