Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but have you looked at java's
ProcessBuilder? You can do something like

for (line <- lines) {
  val command = line.split(" ") // You may need to deal with quoted strings
  val process = new ProcessBuilder(command)
  // redirect output of process to main thread

Or are you trying to launch an interactive REPL in the middle of your

2014-06-11 22:56 GMT-07:00 JaeBoo Jung <>:

>  Hi all,
> Can I use spark-shell programmatically in my spark application(in java or
> scala)?
> Because I want to convert scala lines to string array and run
> automatically in my application.
> For example,
>     for( var line <- lines){
>         //run this line in spark shell style and get outputs.
>         run(line);
>     }
> Thanks
> _____________________________________________
> *JaeBoo, Jung*
> Assistant Engineer / BDA Lab / Samsung SDS

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