I only ran HDFS on the same nodes as Spark and that worked out great performance and robustness wise. However, I did not run Hadoop itself to do any computations/jobs on the same nodes. My expectation is that if you actually ran both at the same time with your configuration, the performance would be pretty bad. It's mostly about memory really and then CPU(s) etc.


On 6/20/14, 2:41 PM, Sameer Tilak wrote:
Dear Spark users,

I have a small 4 node Hadoop cluster. Each node is a VM -- 4 virtual cores, 8GB memory and 500GB disk. I am currently running Hadoop on it. I would like to run Spark (in standalone mode) along side Hadoop on the same nodes. Given the configuration of my nodes, will that work? Does anyone has any experience in terms of stability and performance of running Spark and Hadoop on somewhat resource-constrained nodes. I was looking at the Spark documentation and there is a way to configure memory and cores for the and worker nodes and memory for the master node: SPARK_WORKER_CORES, SPARK_WORKER_MEMORY, SPARK_DAEMON_MEMORY. Any recommendations on how to share resource between HAdoop and Spark?

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