> Sweet. Any idea about when this will be merged into master?

It is probably going to be a couple of weeks.  There is a fair amount of
cleanup that needs to be done.  It works though and we used it in most of
the demos at the spark summit.  Mostly I just need to add tests and move it
out of HiveContext (there is no good reason for that code to depend on
HiveContext). So you could also just try working with that branch.

> This is probably a stupid question, but can you query Spark SQL tables
> from a (local?) hive context? In which case using that could be a
> workaround until the PR is merged.

Yeah, this is kind of subtle.  In a HiveContext, SQL Tables are just an
additional catalog that sits on top of the metastore.  All the query
execution occurs in the same code path, including the use of the Hive
Function Registry, independent of where the table comes from.  So for your
use case you can just create a hive context, which will create a local
metastore automatically if no hive-site.xml is present.

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