Well, I believe this is a correct implementation but please let us
know if you run into problems. The NaiveBayes implementation in MLlib
v1.0 supports sparse data, which is usually the case for text
classificiation. I would recommend upgrading to v1.0. -Xiangrui

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 7:20 AM, Rahul Bhojwani
<rahulbhojwani2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to use Naive Bayes for a text classification problem.I am using
> Spark 0.9.1.
> I was just curious to ask that is the Naive Bayes implementation in Spark
> 0.9.1 correct? Or are there any bugs in the Spark 0.9.1 implementation which
> are taken care in Spark 1.0. My question is specific about MLlib Naive Bayes
> implementation only. Also I am using Python.(If that adds any ease for
> answer)
> Thanks
> --
> Rahul K Bhojwani
> 3rd Year B.Tech
> Computer Science and Engineering
> National Institute of Technology, Karnataka

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