On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:52 AM, Keith Simmons <ke...@pulse.io> wrote:

>  Impala is *not* built on map/reduce, though it was built to replace Hive,
> which is map/reduce based.  It has its own distributed query engine, though
> it does load data from HDFS, and is part of the hadoop ecosystem.  Impala
> really shines when your

(It was not built to replace Hive. It's purpose-built to make interactive
use with a BI tool feasible -- single-digit second queries on huge data
sets. It's very memory hungry. Hive's architecture choices and legacy code
have been throughput-oriented, and can't really get below minutes at scale,
but, remains a right choice when you are in fact doing ETL!)

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