
I am doing graph computation using GraphX, but it seems to be an error on graph 
partition strategy specification.
as in "GraphX programming guide":
The Graph.partitionBy operator allows users to choose the graph partitioning 
strategy, but due to SPARK-1931, this method is broken in Spark 1.0.0. We 
encourage users to build the latest version of Spark from the master branch, 
which contains a fix. Alternatively, a workaround is to partition the edges 
before constructing the graph, as follows:

My questions:

- how to "build the latest version of Spark from the master branch, which 
contains a fix"?

- how to specify other partition strategy, eg. CanonicalRandomVertexCut, 
EdgePartition1D, EdgePartition2D, RandomVertexCut
(listed in Scala API document, but seems only "EdgePartition2D" is available? I 
am not sure for this! )

- Is it possible to add my own partition strategy(hash function, etc.) into 

Thanks in advance! :))


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