I'm working of a patch to MLLib that allows for multiplexing several
different model optimization using the same RDD ( SPARK-2372:
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-2372 )

In testing larger datasets, I've started to see some memory errors (
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError and "exceeds max allowed: spark.akka.frameSize"
errors ).
My main clue is that Spark will start logging warning on smaller systems

14/07/12 19:14:46 WARN scheduler.TaskSetManager: Stage 2862 contains a task
of very large size (10119 KB). The maximum recommended task size is 100 KB.

Looking up start '2862' in the case leads to a 'sample at
GroupedGradientDescent.scala:156' call. That code can be seen at

I've looked over the code, I'm broadcasting the larger variables, and
between the sampler and the combineByKey, I wouldn't think there much data
being moved over the network, much less a 10MB chunk.

Any ideas of what this might be a symptom of?


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