val kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(... ) // see the example in my
previous post

val transformedStream = ...   // whatever transformation
you want to do

transformedStream.foreachRDD((rdd: RDD[...], time: Time) => {
     // save the rdd to parquet file, using time as the file name, see
other link i sent in how to do it
     // every batch of data will create a new parquet file

Maybe michael (cc'ed) will be able to give more insights about the parquet


On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 3:59 AM, Mahebub Sayyed <>

> Hi,
> To migrate data from *HBase *to *Parquet* we used following query through
> * Impala*:
> key, city_name, country_name, hashtag_date, hashtag_text, hashtag_source, 
> hashtag_month, posted_time, hashtag_time,
> tweet_id, user_id, user_name,
> hashtag_year
> ) *partition(year, month, day)* SELECT key, city_name, country_name,
> hashtag_date, hashtag_text, hashtag_source, hashtag_month, posted_time,
> hashtag_time, tweet_id, user_id, user_name,hashtag_year, cast(hashtag_year
> as int),cast(hashtag_month as int), cast(hashtag_date as int) from HASHTAGS
> where hashtag_year='2014' and hashtag_month='04' and hashtag_date='01'
> ORDER BY key,hashtag_year,hashtag_month,hashtag_date LIMIT 10000000 offset
> 0;
> using above query we have successfully migrated form HBase to Parquet
> files with proper partitions.
> Now we are storing Data direct from *Kafka *to *Parquet.*
> *How is it possible to create partitions while storing data direct from
> kafka to Parquet files??*
> *(likewise created in above query)*
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Tathagata Das <
>> wrote:
>> 1. You can put in multiple kafka topics in the same Kafka input stream.
>> See the example KafkaWordCount
>> <>
>>  .
>> However they will all be read through a single receiver (though multiple
>> threads, one per topic). To parallelize the read (for increasing
>> throughput), you can create multiple Kafka input streams, and splits the
>> topics appropriately between them.
>> 2. You can easily read and write to parquet files in Spark. Any RDD
>> (generated through DStreams in Spark Streaming, or otherwise), can be
>> converted to a SchemaRDD and then saved in the parquet format as
>> rdd.saveAsParquetFile. See the Spark SQL guide
>> <>
>>  for
>> more details. So if you want to write a same dataset (as RDDs) to two
>> different parquet files, you just have to call saveAsParquetFile twice (on
>> same or transformed versions of the RDD), as shown in the guide.
>> Hope this helps!
>> TD
>> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 2:19 AM, Mahebub Sayyed <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Currently we are reading (multiple) topics from Apache kafka and storing
>>> that in HBase (multiple tables) using twitter storm (1 tuple stores in 4
>>> different tables).
>>>  but we are facing some performance issue with HBase.
>>> so we are replacing* HBase* with *Parquet* file and *storm* with *Apache
>>> Spark*.
>>> difficulties:
>>>  1. How to read multiple topics from kafka using spark?
>>> 2. One tuple belongs to multiple tables, How to write one topic to
>>> multiple parquet files with proper partitioning using spark??
>>> Please help me
>>> Thanks in advance.
>>> --
>>> *Regards,*
>>> *Mahebub *
> --
> *Regards,*
> *Mahebub Sayyed*

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