Thanks Andrew.

Say that I want to turn on CMS gc for each worker.

All I need to do is add the following line to conf/ on node
where I submit the application.


Is that correct?

Will this option be populated to each worker in yarn?

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 9:26 PM, Andrew Or <> wrote:

> Hi Chen,
> spark.executor.extraJavaOptions is introduced in Spark 1.0, not in Spark
> 0.9. You need to
> export SPARK_JAVA_OPTS=" -Dspark.config1=value1 -Dspark.config2=value2"
> in conf/
> Let me know if that works.
> Andrew
> 2014-07-17 18:15 GMT-07:00 Tathagata Das <>:
> Can you check in the environment tab of Spark web ui to see whether this
>> configuration parameter is in effect?
>> TD
>> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 2:05 PM, Chen Song <>
>> wrote:
>>> I am using spark 0.9.0 and I am able to submit job to YARN,
>>> I am trying to turn on gc logging on executors but could not find a way
>>> to set extra Java opts for workers.
>>> I tried to set spark.executor.extraJavaOptions but that did not work.
>>> Any idea on how I should do this?
>>> --
>>> Chen Song

Chen Song

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