Hi, all  

When I try hiveContext.hql("drop table if exists abc") where abc is a non-exist 

I still received an exception about non-exist table though "if exists" is there

the same statement runs well in hive shell

Some feedback from Hive community is here: 

“Your are doing hiveContext.hql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS hivetesting") in Scala 
schell of the Spark project.

What this shell is doing ? Query to remote metastore on non existing table (see 
on your provided stack).
The remote metastore throws NoSuchObjectException(message:default.hivetesting 
table not found)because Spark code call 
HiveMetaStoreClient.getTable(HiveMetaStoreClient.java:854) on non-existing 
table. It's the right behavior.
You should check on Spark code why a query is done on non existing table.

I think Spark does not handle well the IF EXISTS part of this query. Maybe you 
could fill a ticket on Spark JIRA.

BUT, it's not a bug in HIVE IMHO.”

My question is the DDL is executed by Hive itself, doesn’t it?


Nan Zhu

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