Scala By the Bay ( is happy to confirm that our
Spark training on August 11-12 will be run by Databricks and By the
Bay together.  It will be focused on Scala, and is the first Spark
Training at a major Scala venue.  Spark is written in Scala, with the
unified data pipeline and interactive REPL and streaming all taking
advantage of powerful Scala DSL capabilities.  Type safety ensures
that your program will not have run-time errors due to typos, and JVM
performance wins for machine learning and compute-intensive
applications.  Type inference keeps code clear and concise in Scala
while keeping all strong typing guarantees, and immutability enables
concurrency on multicores as well as across the cluster.  If you're
serious about performance and enterprise maintainability, you should
use Spark with Scala.

We're offering Typesafe-certified Fast Track to Scala (FTTS) course at
Scala By the Bay.  To celebrate our becoming a Typesafe Certified
Training Partner, we're happy to extend to Spark users a $300 discount
for the FTTS -- use code SPARKSCALABYTHEBAY.  FTTS is taught on August
6-7 by Brendan W. McAdams.  Brendan is an Akka contributor and the
author of MongoDB Scala drivers, including reactive ones, and one of
the best Scala teachers in the world.  His notes on the course are

This is the best intensive ramp-up Scala course you could possibly
take.  If your company is choosing Scala, there's no better way to get
up to speed on the whole Scala ecosystem by attending the training and
then the conference (and possibly Spark training afterwards).  As you
dive deeper into Spark, you will want to use it in Scala.

Our trainings are fairly intimate affairs, limited to 25 people each.
It means you will get individual attention for your skill level.
Please share this course information with your colleagues who are
planning to learn Scala and Spark.

Full training info:
Group discounts are available on 5 or more registrations, for more information about those
or if you have any other questions.

A+ (Alexy) and Scala By the Bay

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