I'm doing a simple groupBy on a fairly small dataset (80 files in HDFS, few
gigs in total, line based, 500-2000 chars per line). I'm running Spark on 8
low-memory machines in a yarn cluster, i.e. something along the lines of:
    spark-submit ... --master yarn-client --num-executors 8
--executor-memory 3000m --executor-cores 1
I'm trying to do a simple groupByKey (see below), but it fails with a
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded exception
    val keyvals = sc.newAPIHadoopFile("hdfs://...")                    .map(
someobj.produceKeyValTuple )
I can count the group sizes using reduceByKey without problems, ensuring
myself the problem isn't caused by a single excessively large group, nor by
an excessive amount of groups :
  keyvals.map(s => (s._1, 1)).reduceByKey((a,b) =>
a+b).collect().foreach(println)  // produces:  //  (key1,139368)  // 
(key2,35335)  //  (key3,392744)  //  ...  //  (key13,197941)
I've tried reformatting, reshuffling and increasing the groupBy level of
  keyvals.groupByKey(24).count // fails  keyvals.groupByKey(3000).count //
fails  keyvals.coalesce(24, true).groupByKey(24).count // fails 
keyvals.coalesce(3000, true).groupByKey(3000).count // fails
I've tried playing around with spark.default.parallelism, and increasing
spark.shuffle.memoryFraction to 0.8 while lowering
spark.storage.memoryFraction to 0.1
The failing stage (count) will fail on task 2999 of 3000.
I can't seem to find anything that suggests that groupBy shouldn't just
spill to disk instead of keeping things in memory, but I just can't get it
to work right, even on fairly small datasets. This should obviosuly not be
the case, and I must be doing something wrong, but I have no idea where to
start debugging this, or even trying to understand what's going on - for the
same reason, I'm not looking for a solution to my specific problem, as much
as I'm looking for insight into how to reliably group datasets in Spark.
Notice that I've also posted this question to SO, before realising this
mailing list is more active. I will update the SO thread, if I receive an
answer here.

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