Hey all!

I'm a total beginner with spark / hadoop / graph computation so please
excuse my beginner question.

I've created a graph, using graphx. Now, for every vertex, I want to get
all its second degree neighbors.
so if my graph is:
v1 --> v2
v1 --> v4
v1 --> v6

I want to get something like:
v2 --> v4
v2 --> v6
v4 --> v2
v4 --> v6
v6 --> v2
v6 --> v4

Does anyone have advice on what will be the best way to do that over a
graph instance?
I attempted to do it using mapReduceTriplets but I need the reduce function
to work like reduceByKey, which I wasn't able to do.

Thank you.

  -- Omer

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