This will be awesome - it's been one of the major issues for our analytics
team as they hope to use their own python libraries.

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 2:40 PM, Andrew Or <> wrote:

> Hi Gary,
> This has indeed been a limitation of Spark, in that drivers and executors
> use random ephemeral ports to talk to each other. If you are submitting a
> Spark job from your local machine in client mode (meaning, the driver runs
> on your machine), you will need to open up all TCP ports from your worker
> machines, a requirement that is not super secure. However, a very recent
> commit changes this (
> in that you can now manually configure all ports and only open up the ones
> you configured. This will be available in Spark 1.1.
> -Andrew
> 2014-08-06 8:29 GMT-07:00 Gary Malouf <>:
> We have Spark 1.0.1 on Mesos deployed as a cluster in EC2.  Our Devops
>> lead tells me that Spark jobs can not be submitted from local machines due
>> to the complexity of opening the right ports to the world etc.
>> Are other people running the shell locally in a production environment?

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