I haven't tried any of this, mind you, but my guess is that your options
are, from least painful and most likely to work onwards, are:

- Get Spark / Shark to compile against Hive 0.10
- Shade Hive 0.11 into Spark
- Update to CDH5.0+

I don't think there will be more updated releases of Shark or
Spark-on-CDH4, so you may want to be moving forward anyway.

On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 12:46 AM, Anurag Tangri <atan...@groupon.com> wrote:

> I posted this in cdh-user mailing list yesterday and think this should
> have been the right audience for this:
> =====
> Hi All,
> Not sure if anyone else faced this same issue or not.
> We installed CDH 4.6 that uses Hive 0.10.
> And we have Spark 0.9.1 that comes with Hive 11.
> Now our hive jobs that work on CDH, fail in Shark.
> Anyone else facing same issues and any work-arounds ?
> Can we re-compile shark 0.9.1 with hive 10 or compile hive 11 on CDH 4.6 ?
> Thanks,
> Anurag Tangri

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