Thanks for your reply.

I think that the problem was that SparkR tried to serialize the whole
environment. Mind that the large dataframe was part of it. So every
worker received their slice / partition (which is very small) plus the
whole thing!

So I deleted the large dataframe and list before parallelizing and the
cluster ran without memory issues.


Carlos J. Gil Bellosta

2014-08-15 3:53 GMT+02:00 Shivaram Venkataraman <>:
> Could you try increasing the number of slices with the large data set ?
> SparkR assumes that each slice (or partition in Spark terminology) can fit
> in memory of a single machine.  Also is the error happening when you do the
> map function or does it happen when you combine the results ?
> Thanks
> Shivaram
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 3:53 PM, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
> <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I am having problems trying to apply the split-apply-combine strategy
>> for dataframes using SparkR.
>> I have a largish dataframe and I would like to achieve something similar
>> to what
>> ddply(df, .(id), foo)
>> would do, only that using SparkR as computing engine. My df has a few
>> million records and I would like to split it by "id" and operate on
>> the pieces. These pieces are quite small in size: just a few hundred
>> records.
>> I do something along the following lines:
>> 1) Use split to transform df into a list of dfs.
>> 2) parallelize the resulting list as a RDD (using a few thousand slices)
>> 3) map my function on the pieces using Spark.
>> 4) recombine the results (, rbind, etc.)
>> My cluster works and I can perform medium sized batch jobs.
>> However, it fails with my full df: I get a heap space out of memory
>> error. It is funny as the slices are very small in size.
>> Should I send smaller batches to my cluster? Is there any recommended
>> general approach to these kind of split-apply-combine problems?
>> Best,
>> Carlos J. Gil Bellosta
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