I have been working on a pandas-like dataframe DSL on top of spark. It is
written in Scala and can be used from spark-shell. The APIs have the look
and feel of pandas which is a wildly popular piece of software data
scientists use. The goal is to let people familiar with pandas scale their
efforts to larger datasets by using spark but not having to go through a
steep learning curve for Spark and Scala.
It is open sourced with Apache License and can be found here:

I welcome your comments, suggestions and feedback. Any help in developing
it further is much appreciated. I have the following items on the roadmap
(and happy to change this based on your comments)
- Python wrappers most likely in the same way as MLLib
- Sliding window aggregations
- Row indexing
- Graphing/charting
- Efficient row-based operations
- Pretty printing of output on the spark-shell
- Unit test completeness and automated nightly runs


P.S.: Thanks to my awesome employer Ayasdi <> for open
sourcing this software

P.P.S.: I need some design advice on making row operations efficient and
I'll start a new thread for that

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