Thanks for answering Daniil -

I have SBT version 0.13.5, is that an old version? Seems pretty up-to-date.

It turns out I figured out a way around this entire problem: just use 'sbt
package', and when using bin/spark-submit, pass it the "--jars" option and
GIVE IT ALL THE JARS from the local iv2 cache. Pretty inelegant, but at
least I am able to develop, and when I want to make a super JAR with sbt
assembly I can use the stupidly slow method.

Here is the important snippet for grabbing all the JARs for the local cache
of ivy2 :

 --jars $(find ~/.ivy2/cache/ -iname *.jar | tr '\n' ,)

Here's the entire running command  -

bin/spark-submit --master local[*] --jars $(find /home/data/.ivy2/cache/
-iname *.jar | tr '\n' ,) --class KafkaStreamConsumer
node1:2181 my-consumer-group aris-topic 1

This is fairly bad, but it works around sbt assembly being incredibly slow

On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:13 PM, Daniil Osipov <>

> What version of sbt are you using? There is a bug in early version of 0.13
> that causes assembly to be extremely slow - make sure you're using the
> latest one.
> On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 1:30 PM, Aris <> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I am trying to use Kafka with Spark Streaming, and it appears I cannot do
>> the normal 'sbt package' as I do with other Spark applications, such as
>> Spark alone or Spark with MLlib. I learned I have to build with the
>> sbt-assembly plugin.
>> OK, so here is my build.sbt file for my extremely simple test Kafka/Spark
>> Streaming project. It Takes almost 30 minutes to build! This is a Centos
>> Linux machine on SSDs with 4GB of RAM, it's never been slow for me. To
>> compare, sbt assembly for the entire Spark project itself takes less than
>> 10 minutes.
>> At the bottom of this file I am trying to play with 'cacheOutput'
>> options, because I read online that maybe I am calculating SHA-1 for all
>> the *.class files in this super JAR.
>> I also copied the mergeStrategy from Spark contributor TD Spark Streaming
>> tutorial from Spark Summit 2014.
>> Again, is there some better way to build this JAR file, just using sbt
>> package? This is process is working, but very slow.
>> Any help with speeding up this compilation is really appreciated!!
>> Aris
>> -----------------------------------------
>> import AssemblyKeys._ // put this at the top of the file
>> name := "streamingKafka"
>> version := "1.0"
>> scalaVersion := "2.10.4"
>> libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
>>   "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-core" % "1.0.1" % "provided",
>>   "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming" % "1.0.1" % "provided",
>>   "org.apache.spark" %% "spark-streaming-kafka" % "1.0.1"
>> )
>> assemblySettings
>> jarName in assembly := "streamingkafka-assembly.jar"
>> mergeStrategy in assembly := {
>>   case m if m.toLowerCase.endsWith("")          =>
>> MergeStrategy.discard
>>   case m if m.toLowerCase.matches("meta-inf.*\\.sf$")      =>
>> MergeStrategy.discard
>>   case ""                                  =>
>> MergeStrategy.discard
>>   case m if m.toLowerCase.startsWith("meta-inf/services/") =>
>> MergeStrategy.filterDistinctLines
>>   case "reference.conf"                                    =>
>> MergeStrategy.concat
>>   case _                                                   =>
>> MergeStrategy.first
>> }
>> assemblyOption in assembly ~= { _.copy(cacheOutput = false) }

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