I know that unpersist is a method on RDD.
But my confusion is that, when we port our Scala programs to Spark, doesn't
everything change to RDDs?

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:16 PM, Nicholas Chammas <
nicholas.cham...@gmail.com> wrote:

> unpersist is a method on RDDs. RDDs are abstractions introduced by Spark.
> An Int is just a Scala Int. You can't call unpersist on Int in Scala, and
> that doesn't change in Spark.
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 12:33 PM, Deep Pradhan <pradhandeep1...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> There is one thing that I am confused about.
>> Spark has codes that have been implemented in Scala. Now, can we run any
>> Scala code on the Spark framework? What will be the difference in the
>> execution of the scala code in normal systems and on Spark?
>> The reason for my question is the following:
>> I had a variable
>> *val temp = <some operations>*
>> This temp was being created inside the loop, so as to manually throw it
>> out of the cache, every time the loop ends I was calling
>> *temp.unpersist()*, this was returning an error saying that *value
>> unpersist is not a method of Int*, which means that temp is an Int.
>> Can some one explain to me why I was not able to call *unpersist* on
>> *temp*?
>> Thank You

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