When I said scheduler I meant executor backend.

2014-09-16 13:26 GMT+01:00 Luis Ángel Vicente Sánchez <

> It seems that, as I have a single scala application, the scheduler is the
> same and there is a collision between executors of both spark context. Is
> there a way to change how the executor ID is generated (maybe an uuid
> instead of a sequential number..?)
> 2014-09-16 13:07 GMT+01:00 Luis Ángel Vicente Sánchez <
> langel.gro...@gmail.com>:
>> I have a standalone spark cluster and from within the same scala
>> application I'm creating 2 different spark context to run two different
>> spark streaming jobs as SparkConf is different for each of them.
>> I'm getting this error that... I don't really understand:
>> 14/09/16 11:51:35 ERROR OneForOneStrategy: spark.httpBroadcast.uri
>>> java.util.NoSuchElementException: spark.httpBroadcast.uri
>>>     at org.apache.spark.SparkConf$$anonfun$get$1.apply(SparkConf.scala:149)
>>>     at org.apache.spark.SparkConf$$anonfun$get$1.apply(SparkConf.scala:149)
>>>     at scala.collection.MapLike$class.getOrElse(MapLike.scala:128)
>>>     at scala.collection.AbstractMap.getOrElse(Map.scala:58)
>>>     at org.apache.spark.SparkConf.get(SparkConf.scala:149)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.spark.broadcast.HttpBroadcast$.initialize(HttpBroadcast.scala:130)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.spark.broadcast.HttpBroadcastFactory.initialize(HttpBroadcastFactory.scala:31)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.spark.broadcast.BroadcastManager.initialize(BroadcastManager.scala:48)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.spark.broadcast.BroadcastManager.<init>(BroadcastManager.scala:35)
>>>     at org.apache.spark.SparkEnv$.create(SparkEnv.scala:218)
>>>     at org.apache.spark.executor.Executor.<init>(Executor.scala:85)
>>>     at 
>>> org.apache.spark.executor.CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend$$anonfun$receive$1.applyOrElse(CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend.scala:59)
>>>     at akka.actor.ActorCell.receiveMessage(ActorCell.scala:498)
>>>     at akka.actor.ActorCell.invoke(ActorCell.scala:456)
>>>     at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.processMailbox(Mailbox.scala:237)
>>>     at akka.dispatch.Mailbox.run(Mailbox.scala:219)
>>>     at 
>>> akka.dispatch.ForkJoinExecutorConfigurator$AkkaForkJoinTask.exec(AbstractDispatcher.scala:386)
>>>     at scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:260)
>>>     at 
>>> scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(ForkJoinPool.java:1339)
>>>     at 
>>> scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1979)
>>>     at 
>>> scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinWorkerThread.run(ForkJoinWorkerThread.java:107)
>>> 14/09/16 11:51:35 ERROR CoarseGrainedExecutorBackend: Slave registration 
>>> failed: Duplicate executor ID: 10
>>  Both apps has different names so I don't get how the executor ID is not
>> unique :-S
>> This happens on startup and most of the time only one job dies, but
>> sometimes both of them die.
>> Regards,
>> Luis

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