  Upgrade helped.

Still need some inputs:
1) Is there any log files of spark job execution?
2) Where can I read about tuning / parameter configuration:

For example:
--num-executors 12
--driver-memory 4g
--executor-memory 2g

what is the meaning of thous parameters?


On Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 12:15 AM, Davies Liu <> wrote:

> Maybe the Python worker use too much memory during groupByKey(),
> groupByKey() with larger numPartitions can help.
> Also, can you upgrade your cluster to 1.1? It can spilling the data
> into disks if the memory can not hold all the data during groupByKey().
> Also, If there is hot key with dozens of millions of values, the PR [1]
> can help it, it actually helped someone with large datasets (3T).
> Davies
> [1]
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:31 AM, Oleg Ruchovets <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Sure, I'll post to the mail list.
> >
> > groupByKey(self, numPartitions=None)
> >
> > source code
> >
> > Group the values for each key in the RDD into a single sequence.
> Hash-partitions the resulting RDD with into numPartitions partitions.
> >
> >
> > So instead of using default I'll provide numPartitions , but what is the
> best practice to calculate the number of partitions? and how number of
> partitions related to my original problem?
> >
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Oleg.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 9:25 PM, Eric Friedman <
>> wrote:
> >>
> >> Look at the API for text file and groupByKey. Please don't take threads
> off list. Other people have the same questions.
> >>
> >> ----
> >> Eric Friedman
> >>
> >> On Sep 17, 2014, at 6:19 AM, Oleg Ruchovets <>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Can hou please explain how to configure partitions?
> >> Thanks
> >> Oleg
> >>
> >> On Wednesday, September 17, 2014, Eric Friedman <
>> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Yeah, you need to increase partitions. You only have one on your text
> file. On groupByKey you're getting the pyspark default, which is too low.
> >>>
> >>> ----
> >>> Eric Friedman
> >>>
> >>> On Sep 17, 2014, at 5:29 AM, Oleg Ruchovets <>
> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> This is very good question :-).
> >>>
> >>> Here is my code:
> >>>
> >>> sc = SparkContext(appName="CAD")
> >>>     lines = sc.textFile(sys.argv[1], 1)
> >>>     result = vc:
> my_custom_function(vc))
> >>>     result.saveAsTextFile(sys.argv[2])
> >>>
> >>> Should I configure partitioning manually ? Where should I configure
> it? Where can I read about partitioning best practices?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks
> >>> Oleg.
> >>>
> >>> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 8:22 PM, Eric Friedman <
>> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> How many partitions do you have in your input rdd?  Are you
> specifying numPartitions in subsequent calls to groupByKey/reduceByKey?
> >>>>
> >>>> On Sep 17, 2014, at 4:38 AM, Oleg Ruchovets <>
> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Hi ,
> >>>>   I am execution pyspark on yarn.
> >>>> I have successfully executed initial dataset but now I growed it 10
> times more.
> >>>>
> >>>> during execution I got all the time this error:
> >>>>   14/09/17 19:28:50 ERROR cluster.YarnClientClusterScheduler: Lost
> executor 68 on UCS-NODE1.sms1.local: remote Akka client disassociated
> >>>>
> >>>>  tasks are failed a resubmitted again:
> >>>>
> >>>> 14/09/17 18:40:42 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 21, 23,
> 26, 29, 32, 33, 48, 75, 86, 91, 93, 94
> >>>> 14/09/17 18:44:18 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 31, 52,
> 60, 93
> >>>> 14/09/17 18:46:33 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 19, 20,
> 23, 27, 39, 51, 64
> >>>> 14/09/17 18:48:27 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 51, 68,
> 80
> >>>> 14/09/17 18:50:47 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 1, 20,
> 34, 42, 61, 67, 77, 81, 91
> >>>> 14/09/17 18:58:50 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 8, 21,
> 23, 29, 34, 40, 46, 67, 69, 86
> >>>> 14/09/17 19:00:44 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 6, 13,
> 15, 17, 18, 19, 23, 32, 38, 39, 44, 49, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 68, 74, 81,
> 85, 89
> >>>> 14/09/17 19:06:24 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 20, 43,
> 59, 79, 92
> >>>> 14/09/17 19:16:13 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 0, 2, 3,
> 11, 24, 31, 43, 65, 73
> >>>> 14/09/17 19:27:40 INFO scheduler.DAGScheduler: Resubmitting Stage 1
> (RDD at PythonRDD.scala:252) because some of its tasks had failed: 3, 7,
> 41, 72, 75, 84
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> QUESTION:
> >>>>    how to debug / tune the problem.
> >>>> What can cause to such behavior?
> >>>> I have 5 machine cluster with 32 GB ram.
> >>>>  Dataset - 3G.
> >>>>
> >>>> command for execution:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> /usr/lib/spark-
> --master yarn  --num-executors 12  --driver-memory 4g --executor-memory 2g
> --py-files --executor-cores 4   /usr/lib/cad/
> /input/tad/inpuut.csv  /output/cad_model_500_2
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Where can I find description of the parameters?
> >>>> --num-executors 12
> >>>> --driver-memory 4g
> >>>> --executor-memory 2g
> >>>>
> >>>> What parameters should be used for tuning?
> >>>>
> >>>> Thanks
> >>>> Oleg.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >

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