Hi Deep,

The Iterable trait in scala has methods like map and reduce that you can
use to iterate elements of Iterable[String]. You can also create an
Iterator from the Iterable. For example, suppose you have

val rdd: RDD[Iterable[String]]

you can do

rdd.map { x => //x has type Iterable[String]
   x.map(...) // Process elements in iterable[String]
   val iter:Iterator[String] = x.iterator
   while(iter.hasNext) {

Hope this helps!


On Wed, Sep 24, 2014 at 8:21 AM, Deep Pradhan <pradhandeep1...@gmail.com>

> Can we iterate over RDD of Iterable[String]? How do we do that?
> Because the entire Iterable[String] seems to be a single element in the
> RDD.
> Thank You

Liquan Pei
Department of Physics
University of Massachusetts Amherst

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