Hi All,

A noob question:
How to get SparckContext inside mapPartitions?


Let's say I have rddObjects that can be split into different partitions to be 
assigned to multiple executors, to speed up the export data from database.

Variable sc is created in the main program using these steps:
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("ETCH VM Get FDC")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)

and here is the mapPartitions code:
rddObject.mapPartitions(x => {
  val uuid =  java.util.UUID.randomUUID.toString
  val path = new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path("hdfs:///some-folder/" + uuid)
  val fs = path.getFileSystem(sc.hadoopConfiguration)
  val pw = new PrintWriter(fs.create(path))
  while (x.hasNext) {
    // ... do something here, like fetch data from database and write it to 
hadoop file

My question is how can I use sc to get the hadoopConfiguration, thus enable me 
to create Hadoop file?

Best regards,

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