This Could be due to the Hadoop's (or some other package’s) file ending up ahead of Spark's on the classpath.
There are a couple of open JIRAs related to this: - Josh On October 10, 2014 at 6:17:21 AM, Darin McBeath ( wrote: For weeks, I've been using the following trick to successfully disable log4j in the spark-shell when running a cluster on ec2 that was started by the Spark provided ec2 scripts. cp ./conf/ ./conf/ I then change log4j.rootCategory=INFO to log4j.rootCategory=WARN. This all stopped working on Wednesday when I could no longer successfully start a cluster on ec2 (using the Spark provided ec2 scripts). I noticed the resolution to this problem was a script referenced by the ec2 scripts had been changed (and that this referenced script has since been reverted). I raise this as I don't know if this is a symptom of my problem and that it's interesting the problems started happening at the same time. When I now start up the cluster on ec2 and subsequently start the spark-shell I can no longer disable the log4j messages using the above trick. I'm using Apache Spark 1.1.0. What's interesting is that I can start the cluster locally on my laptop (using Spark 1.1.0) and the above trick for disabling log4j in the spark-shell works. So, the issue appears to be related to ec2 and potentially something referenced by the Spark provided ec2 startup script. But, that is purely a guess on my part. I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed this issue and if so has a workaround. Thanks. Darin.