
We have been implementing several Spark Streaming jobs that are basically
processing data and inserting it into Cassandra, sorting it among different

We've been following the pattern:

dstream.foreachRDD(rdd =>
    val records = rdd.map(elem => record(elem))
    targets.foreach(target => records.filter{record =>

I've been wondering whether there would be a performance difference in
transforming the dstream instead of transforming the RDD within the dstream
with regards to how the transformations get scheduled.

Instead of the RDD-centric computation, I could transform the dstream until
the last step, where I need an rdd to store.
For example, the  previous  transformation could be written as:

val recordStream = dstream.map(elem => record(elem))
targets.foreach{target => recordStream.filter(record =>

Would  be a difference in execution and/or performance?  What would be the
preferred way to do this?

Bonus question: Is there a better (more performant) way to sort the data in
different "buckets" instead of filtering the data collection times the

thanks,  Gerard.

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