I am a Scala / Spark newbie (attending Paco Nathan's class).

What I need is some advice as to how to set up intellij (or eclipse) to be
able to attache to the process executing to the debugger.  I know that this
is not feasible if the code is executing within the cluster.  However, if
spark is running locally (on my laptop) I would like to attach the debugger
process to the spark program that is running locally to be able to step
through the program.

Any advice will be is helpful.



*Eric Tanner*Big Data Developer

[image: JustEnough Logo]

15440 Laguna Canyon, Suite 100

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  +1 (951) 313-9274
  +1 (949) 706-0400
  e <http://tonya.nicholls.je/>ric.tanner.je

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