On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 6:56 PM, Corey Nolet <cjno...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Am I able to do a join on an exploded field?
> Like if I have another object:
> { "streetNumber":"2300", "locationName":"The Big Building"} and I want to
> join with the previous json by the locations[].number field- is that
> possible?

I'm not sure I fully understand the question, but once its exploded its a
normal tuple and you can do any operations on it.  The explode is just
producing a new row for each element in the array.

Awesome, this is what I was looking for. So it's possible to use hive
>> dialect in a regular sql context? This is what was confusing to me- the
>> docs kind of allude to it but don't directly point it out.
No, you need a HiveContext as we use the actual hive parser (SQLContext
only exists as a separate entity so that people who don't want Hive's
dependencies in their app can still use a limited subset of Spark SQL).

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