Check the "--files" argument in the output "spark-submit -h".

On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 7:51 AM, Matt Narrell <> wrote:
> How do I configure the files to be uploaded to YARN containers.  So far, I’ve 
> only seen "--conf spark.yarn.jar=hdfs://….” which allows me to specify the 
> HDFS location of the Spark JAR, but I’m not sure how to prescribe other files 
> for uploading (e.g.,
> mn
>> On Nov 20, 2014, at 4:08 AM, Sean Owen <> wrote:
>> I think the standard practice is to include your log config file among
>> the files uploaded to YARN containers, and then set
>> -Dlog4j.configuration=yourfile.xml in
>> spark.{executor.driver}.extraJavaOptions ?
>> On Thu, Nov 20, 2014 at 9:20 AM, Tobias Pfeiffer <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am using spark-submit to submit my application jar to a YARN cluster.  I
>>> want to deliver a single jar file to my users, so I would like to avoid to
>>> tell them "also, please put that log4j.xml file somewhere and add that path
>>> to the spark-submit command".
>>> I thought it would be sufficient that my application jar file contains a
>>> log4j.xml file, but that does not seem to be the case.  If I don't add a
>>> log4j.xml file to the classpath before launching spark-submit, the one
>>> bundled with spark will be used -- which has a negative influence on my
>>> program execution.  Is there any way I can tell spark-submit to use the
>>> log4j configuration bundled in my jar file?
>>> Thanks
>>> Tobias
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