Thank you.

How can I address more complex columns like maps and structs?

Thanks again!

> On 25 בנוב׳ 2014, at 19:43, Michael Armbrust <> wrote:
> Probably the easiest/closest way to do this would be with a UDF, something 
> like:
> registerFunction("makeString", (s: Seq[String]) => s.mkString(","))
> sql("SELECT *, makeString(c8) AS newC8 FROM jRequests")
> Although this does not modify a column, but instead appends a new column.
> Another more complicated way to do something like this would be by using the 
> applySchema function.
> I'll note that, as part of the ML pipeline work, we have been considering 
> adding something like:
> def modifyColumn(columnName, function)
> Any comments anyone has on this interface would be appreciated!
> Michael
>> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 7:02 AM, Daniel Haviv <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm selecting columns from a json file, transform some of them and would 
>> like to store the result as a parquet file but I'm failing.
>> This is what I'm doing:
>> val jsonFiles=sqlContext.jsonFile("/requests.loading")
>> jsonFiles.registerTempTable("jRequests")
>> val clean_jRequests=sqlContext.sql("select c1, c2, c3 ... c55 from 
>> jRequests")
>> and then I run a map:
>>  val 
>>  ,line(10) ,line(11) ,line(12) ,line(13) ,line(14) ,line(15) ,line(16) 
>> ,line(17) ,line(18) ,line(19) ,line(20) ,line(21) ,line(22) ,line(23) 
>> ,line(24) ,line(25) ,line(26) ,line(27) ,line(28) ,line(29) ,line(30) 
>> ,line(31) ,line(32) ,line(33) ,line(34) ,line(35) ,line(36) ,line(37) 
>> ,line(38) ,line(39) ,line(40) ,line(41) ,line(42) ,line(43) ,line(44) 
>> ,line(45) ,line(46) ,line(47) ,line(48) ,line(49) ,line(50)))})
>> 1. Is there a smarter way to achieve that (only modify a certain column 
>> without relating to the others, but keeping all of them)?
>> 2. The last statement fails because the tuple has too much members:
>> <console>:19: error: object Tuple50 is not a member of package scala
>> Thanks for your help,
>> Daniel

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