Could you post the full stacktrace? It seems to be some recursive call
in parsing. -Xiangrui

On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 7:44 PM,  <> wrote:
> Hi
> I am getting Stack overflow Error
> Exception in main java.lang.stackoverflowerror
> scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers$$anon$3.apply(Parsers.scala:222)
>        at
> scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers$Parser$$anonfun$append$1.apply(Parsers.scala:254)
>        at
> scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers$$anon$3.apply(Parsers.scala:222)
>        at
> scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers$Parser$$anonfun$append$1.apply(Parsers.scala:254)
>        at
> scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers$Parser$$anonfun$append$1.apply(Parsers.scala:254)
>        at
> scala.util.parsing.combinator.Parsers$$anon$3.apply(Parsers.scala:222)
> while executing the following code
> sqlContext.sql("SELECT text FROM tweetTable LIMIT
> 10").collect().foreach(println)
> The complete code is from github
> import{GsonBuilder, JsonParser}
> import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans
> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
> import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext}
> import org.apache.spark.mllib.clustering.KMeans
> /**
> * Examine the collected tweets and trains a model based on them.
> */
> object ExamineAndTrain {
> val jsonParser = new JsonParser()
> val gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create()
> def main(args: Array[String]) {
> // Process program arguments and set properties
> /*if (args.length < 3) {
> System.err.println("Usage: " + this.getClass.getSimpleName +
> " <tweetInput> <outputModelDir> <numClusters> <numIterations>")
> System.exit(1)
> }
> *
> */
>    val outputModelDir="C:\\MLModel"
>      val tweetInput="C:\\MLInput"
>        val numClusters=10
>        val numIterations=20
> //val Array(tweetInput, outputModelDir, Utils.IntParam(numClusters),
> Utils.IntParam(numIterations)) = args
> val conf = new
> SparkConf().setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName).setMaster("local[4]")
> val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
> val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
> // Pretty print some of the tweets.
> val tweets = sc.textFile(tweetInput)
> println("------------Sample JSON Tweets-------")
> for (tweet <- tweets.take(5)) {
> println(gson.toJson(jsonParser.parse(tweet)))
> }
> val tweetTable = sqlContext.jsonFile(tweetInput).cache()
> tweetTable.registerTempTable("tweetTable")
> println("------Tweet table Schema---")
> tweetTable.printSchema()
> println("----Sample Tweet Text-----")
> sqlContext.sql("SELECT text FROM tweetTable LIMIT
> 10").collect().foreach(println)
> println("------Sample Lang, Name, text---")
> sqlContext.sql("SELECT user.lang,, text FROM tweetTable LIMIT
> 1000").collect().foreach(println)
> println("------Total count by languages Lang, count(*)---")
> sqlContext.sql("SELECT user.lang, COUNT(*) as cnt FROM tweetTable GROUP BY
> user.lang ORDER BY cnt DESC LIMIT 25").collect.foreach(println)
> println("--- Training the model and persist it")
> val texts = sqlContext.sql("SELECT text from
> tweetTable").map(_.head.toString)
> // Cache the vectors RDD since it will be used for all the KMeans
> iterations.
> val vectors =
> vectors.count() // Calls an action on the RDD to populate the vectors cache.
> val model = KMeans.train(vectors, numClusters, numIterations)
> sc.makeRDD(model.clusterCenters,
> numClusters).saveAsObjectFile(outputModelDir)
> val some_tweets = texts.take(100)
> println("----Example tweets from the clusters")
> for (i <- 0 until numClusters) {
> println(s"\nCLUSTER $i:")
> some_tweets.foreach { t =>
> if (model.predict(Utils.featurize(t)) == i) {
> println(t)
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> Thanks & Regards
> Jishnu Menath Prathap

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