Hi Suman,

I'll assume that you are using spark submit to run your application. You
can pass the --num-executors flag to ask for more containers. If you want
to allocate more memory for each executor, you may also pass in the
--executor-memory flag (this accepts a string in the format 1g, 512m etc.).


2014-12-18 14:37 GMT-08:00 Suman Somasundar <suman.somasun...@oracle.com>:
> Hi,
> I am using Spark 1.1.1 on Yarn. When I try to run K-Means, I see from the
> Yarn dashboard that only 3 containers are being used. How do I increase the
> number of containers used?
> P.S: When I run K-Means on Mahout with the same settings, I see that there
> are 25-30 containers being used.
> Thanks,
> Suman.

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