How big is the dataset you want to use in prediction? -Xiangrui

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 1:47 PM, boci <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to try out spark mllib in my spark project, but I got a little
> problem. I have training data (external file), but the real data com from
> another rdd. How can I do that?
> I try to simple using same SparkContext to boot rdd (first I create rdd
> using sc.textFile() and after NaiveBayes.train... After that I want to fetch
> the real data using same context and internal the map using the predict. But
> My application never exit (I think stucked or something). Why not work this
> solution?
> Thanks
> b0c1
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Skype: boci13, Hangout:

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