Hi Patrick, to follow up on the below discussion, I am including a short code 
snippet that produces the problem on 1.1. This is kind of stupid code since 
it’s a greatly simplified version of what I’m actually doing but it has a 
number of the key components in place. I’m also including some example log 
output. Thank you.

def showMemoryUsage(sc : SparkContext) = {

  val usersPerStep = 25000
  val count = 1000000
  val numSteps = count/usersPerStep

  val users = sc.parallelize(1 to count)
  val zippedUsers = users.zipWithIndex().cache()
  val userFeatures : RDD[(Int, Int)] = sc.parallelize(1 to 
  val productFeatures : RDD[(Int, Int)] = sc.parallelize(1 to 50000000)
    .map(s => (s, 4)).cache()

  for (i <- 1 to numSteps) {
    val usersFiltered = zippedUsers.filter(s => {
      ((i - 1) * usersPerStep <= s._2) && (s._2 < i * usersPerStep)

    usersFiltered.foreach(user => {
      val mult = productFeatures.map(s => s._2 * userFeatures.lookup(user).head)

      // Normally this would then be written to disk
      // For the sake of the example this is all we're doing

Example broadcast variable added:

14/12/30 19:25:19 INFO BlockManagerInfo: Added broadcast_0_piece0 in memory on 
innovationclientnode01.cof.ds.capitalone.com:54640 (size: 794.0 B, free: 441.9 

And then if I parse the entire log looking for “free : XXX.X MB” I see the 
available memory slowly ticking away:

Free 441.8 MB

Free 441.8 MB

Free 441.8 MB

Free 441.8 MB

Free 441.8 MB

Free 441.8 MB

Free 441.8 MB


Free 441.7 MB

Free 441.7 MB

Free 441.7 MB

Free 441.7 MB

And so on.

Clearly the above code is not persisting the intermediate RDD (mult), yet 
memory is never being properly freed up.

From: Ilya Ganelin <ilgan...@gmail.com<mailto:ilgan...@gmail.com>>
Date: Sunday, December 28, 2014 at 4:02 PM
To: Patrick Wendell <pwend...@gmail.com<mailto:pwend...@gmail.com>>, "Ganelin, 
Ilya" <ilya.gane...@capitalone.com<mailto:ilya.gane...@capitalone.com>>
Cc: "user@spark.apache.org<mailto:user@spark.apache.org>" 
Subject: Re: Long-running job cleanup

Hi Patrick - is that cleanup present in 1.1?

The overhead I am talking about is with regards to what I believe is shuffle 
related metadata. If I watch the execution log I see small broadcast variables 
created for every stage of execution, a few KB at a time, and a certain number 
of MB remaining of available memory on the driver. As I run, this available 
memory goes down, and these variables are never erased. The only RDDs that 
persist are those that are explicitly cached. The RDDs that are generated 
iteratively are not retained or referenced, so I would expect things to get 
cleaned up but they do not. The items consuming memory are not RDDs but what 
appears to be shuffle metadata.

I have a script that parses the logs to show memory consumption over time and 
the script shows memory very steadily being consumed over many hours without 
clearing one small bit at a time.

The specific computation I am doing is the generation of dot products between 
two RDDs of vectors. I need to generate this product for every combination of 
products between the two RDDs but both RDDs are too big to fit in memory. 
Consequently, I iteratively generate this product across one entry from the 
first RDD and all entries from the second and retain the pared-down result 
within an accumulator (by retaining the top N results it is possible to 
actually store the Cartesian which is otherwise too large to fit on disk). 
After a certain number of iterations these intermediate results are then 
written to disk. Each of these steps is tractable in itself but due to the 
accumulation of memory, the overall job becomes intractable.

I would appreciate any suggestions as to how to clean up these intermediate 
broadcast variables. Thank you.

On Sun, Dec 28, 2014 at 1:56 PM Patrick Wendell 
<pwend...@gmail.com<mailto:pwend...@gmail.com>> wrote:
What do you mean when you say "the overhead of spark shuffles start to
accumulate"? Could you elaborate more?

In newer versions of Spark shuffle data is cleaned up automatically
when an RDD goes out of scope. It is safe to remove shuffle data at
this point because the RDD can no longer be referenced. If you are
seeing a large build up of shuffle data, it's possible you are
retaining references to older RDDs inadvertently. Could you explain
what your job actually doing?

- Patrick

On Mon, Dec 22, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Ganelin, Ilya
<ilya.gane...@capitalone.com<mailto:ilya.gane...@capitalone.com>> wrote:
> Hi all, I have a long running job iterating over a huge dataset. Parts of
> this operation are cached. Since the job runs for so long, eventually the
> overhead of spark shuffles starts to accumulate culminating in the driver
> starting to swap.
> I am aware of the spark.cleanup.tll parameter that allows me to configure
> when cleanup happens but the issue with doing this is that it isn't done
> safely, e.g. I can be in the middle of processing a stage when this cleanup
> happens and my cached RDDs get cleared. This ultimately causes a
> KeyNotFoundException when I try to reference the now cleared cached RDD.
> This behavior doesn't make much sense to me, I would expect the cached RDD
> to either get regenerated or at the very least for there to be an option to
> execute this cleanup without deleting those RDDs.
> Is there a programmatically safe way of doing this cleanup that doesn't
> break everything?
> If I instead tear down the spark context and bring up a new context for
> every iteration (assuming that each iteration is sufficiently long-lived),
> would memory get released appropriately?
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