Hey Kapil, Fernando
Thanks for your mail.
[1] Fernando, if I don't use an "if" logic inside the "map" then if I have 
lines of input data that have less fields than I am expecting I get 
ArrayOutOfBounds exception. so the "if" is to safeguard against that. 
[2] Kapil, I am sorry I did not clarify. Yes my code "DID NOT" compile saying 
that flatMapValues is not defined.
In fact when I used your snippet , the code still does not compile 
Error:(36, 57) value flatMapValues is not a member of 
org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, String)]                }).filter(pair => 
pair._1.length() > 0).flatMapValues(skus => 
skus.split('\t')).saveAsTextFile("/data/vaers/msfx/reac/" + outFile)            

My pom.xml looks like this 

[3] To summarize all I want is to convert 

SUMMARY=======when a dataset looks like the following 
I want to output the following and currently not able to



      From: Fernando O. <fot...@gmail.com>
 To: Kapil Malik <kma...@adobe.com> 
Cc: Sanjay Subramanian <sanjaysubraman...@yahoo.com>; "user@spark.apache.org" 
 Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2014 6:06 AM
 Subject: Re: FlatMapValues
Hi Sanjay,
Doing an if inside a Map sounds like a bad idea, it seems like you actually 
want to filter and then apply map

On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Kapil Malik <kma...@adobe.com> wrote:

Hi Sanjay, I tried running your code on spark shell piece by piece – // 
Setupval line1 = “025126,Chills,8.10,Injection site oedema,8.10,Injection site 
reaction,8.10,Malaise,8.10,Myalgia,8.10”val line2 = 
“025127,Chills,8.10,Injection site oedema,8.10,Injection site 
reaction,8.10,Malaise,8.10,Myalgia,8.10”val lines = Array[String](line1, line2) 
val r1 = sc.parallelize(lines, 2)// r1 is the original RDD[String] to begin 
with val r2 = r1.map(line => line.split(','))// RDD[Array[String]] – so far, so 
goodval r3 = r2.map(fields => {  if (fields.length >= 11 && 
!fields(0).contains("VAERS_ID")) {    
 Returns a pair (String, String), good  }  else {    ""// Returns a String, bad 
 }  })// RDD[Serializable] – PROBLEM I was not even able to apply flatMapValues 
since the filtered RDD passed to it is RDD[Serializable] and not a pair RDD. I 
am surprised how your code compiled correctly.  The following changes in your 
snippet make it work as intended - reacRdd.map(line => 
line.split(',')).map(fields => {
  if (fields.length >= 11 && !fields(0).contains("VAERS_ID")) {
  else {
  }).filter(pair => pair._1.length() > 0).flatMapValues(skus => 
skus.split('\t')).saveAsTextFile("/data/vaers/msfx/reac/" + outFile) Please 
note that this too saves lines like (025126,Chills),i.e. with opening and 
closing brackets ( and ). If you want to get rid of them, better do another map 
operation to map pair to String. Kapil From: Sanjay Subramanian 
Sent: 31 December 2014 13:42
Cc: user@spark.apache.org
Subject: FlatMapValues hey guys  My dataset is like this  
025126,Chills,8.10,Injection site oedema,8.10,Injection site 
reaction,8.10,Malaise,8.10,Myalgia,8.10 Intended output is 
==================025126,Chills025126,Injection site oedema025126,Injection 
site reaction025126,Malaise025126,Myalgia My code is as follows but the 
flatMapValues does not work even after I have created the pair 
 => line.split(',')).map(fields => {
  if (fields.length >= 11 && !fields(0).contains("VAERS_ID")) {
  else {
  }).filter(line => line.toString.length() > 0).flatMapValues(skus => 
skus.split('\t')).saveAsTextFile("/data/vaers/msfx/reac/" + 
 thanks sanjay


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