Hey Xuelin, which data item in the Web UI did you check?

On 1/7/15 5:37 PM, Xuelin Cao wrote:


Curious and curious. I'm puzzled by the Spark SQL cached table.

Theoretically, the cached table should be columnar table, and only scan the column that included in my SQL.

However, in my test, I always see the whole table is scanned even though I only "select" one column in my SQL.

      Here is my code:

/val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
/import sqlContext._
/sqlContext.cacheTable("adTable")  //The table has > 10 columns/
///First run, cache the table into memory//
/sqlContext.sql("select * from adTable").collect/
///Second run, only one column is used. It should only scan a small fraction of data//
/sqlContext.sql("select adId from adTable").collect /
/sqlContext.sql("select adId from adTable").collect
/sqlContext.sql("select adId from adTable").collect/

What I found is, every time I run the SQL, in WEB UI, it shows the total amount of input data is always the same --- the total amount of the table.

        Is anything wrong? My expectation is:
        1. The cached table is stored as columnar table
2. Since I only need one column in my SQL, the total amount of input data showed in WEB UI should be very small

        But what I found is totally not the case. Why?


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