In the current implementation of TorrentBroadcast, the blocks are
fetched one-by-one
in single thread, so it can not fully utilize the network bandwidth.


On Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 2:11 AM, Jun Yang <> wrote:
> Guys,
> I have a question regarding to Spark 1.1 broadcast implementation.
> In our pipeline, we have a large multi-class LR model, which is about 1GiB
> size.
> To employ the benefit of Spark parallelism, a natural thinking is to
> broadcast this model file to the worker node.
> However, it looks that broadcast performance is not quite good.
> During the process of broadcasting the model file, I just monitor the
> network card throughput of worker node, their
> recv/write throughput is just around 30~40 MiB( our server box is equipped
> with 100MiB ethernet card).
> Is this the real limitation of Spark 1.1 broadcast implementation? Or there
> may be some configuration or tricks
> that can help make Spark broadcast perform better.
> Thanks
> --

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