At a quick glance, I think you're misunderstanding some basic features.

Map is a transformation, it is lazy.  You're not calling any action on the
result of map.

Also, closing over a mutable variable (like idx or featArray here) won't
work; that closure is being run on executors, not the driver where your
main code is running.

On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 9:49 AM, rkgurram <> wrote:

> Hi,
>    I am observing some weird behavior with spark, it might be my
> mis-interpretation of some fundamental concepts but I have look at it for 3
> days and have not been able to solve it.
> The source code is pretty long and complex so instead of posting it, I will
> try to articulate the problem.
> I am building a "Sentiment Analyser" using the Naive Bayes model in Spark.
> 1) I have taken text files in RAW format and created a RDD of
> words->Array(files the word is found in).
>  2) From this I have derived the "features" array for each file which is an
> Array[Double], a 0.0 if the file does not contain the word and 1.0 if the
> word is found in the file
> 3) I have then created an RDD[LabeledPoints]
> from this I have created the Naive Baiyes model using the following code
>     val splits = uberLbRDD.randomSplit(Array(0.6, 0.4), seed = 11L)
>     val training = splits(0)
>    // training.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER_2)
>     val test = splits(1)
>"Training count: " + training.count() + " Testing count:" +
> test.count())
>     model = NaiveBayes.train(training, lambda = 1.0)
>     val predictionAndLabel = => (model.predict(p.features),
> p.label))
>     val accuracy = 1.0 * predictionAndLabel.filter(x => x._1 ==
> x._2).count() / test.count()
>"Fold:[" + fold + "] accuracy: [" + accuracy +"]")
> 4) The model seems to be fine and the accuracy is about 75% to 82%
> depending
> on which set of input fles I provide.
> 5) Now I am using this model to "predict()",  here I am creating the same
> feature array from the input text file and I have code as follows,
>    /*
>     * Print all the features (words) in the feature array
>     */
>    allFeaturesRDD.foreach((x) => print(x + ", "))
>  /*
>   * Build the feature array
>   */
>     val features = buildFeatureArray(reviewID,wordSeqRdd) <---- Fails here,
> have show this code below
>     logFeatureArray(features)
>     val prediction = model.predict(Vectors.dense(features))
> ("Prediction:" + prediction)
> ==================================
> reviewID ----> filename
> wordReviewSeqRDD -> RDD[(word, Array(filename)]
>   def buildFeatureArray(reviewID:String,
>                         wordReviewSeqRDD:RDD[(String,Seq[String])]):
> Array[Double] = {
>     val numWords = allFeaturesRDD.count <--- number of all words in the
> feature
>     val wordReviewSeqMap = wordReviewSeqRDD.collectAsMap()
>     var featArray:Array[Double] = new Array(numWords.toInt) <--- create an
> empty features array
>     var idx = 0
>     if (trainingDone)"Feature len:" + numWords)
>{ *<-- This is where it is failing, *
>       case(eachword) => { *<-- for some reason the code does not enter here
> ????*
>         val reviewList = wordReviewSeqMap.get(eachword).get
>         if (trainingDone == true) {
>           println("1. eachword:" + eachword + "reviewList:" + reviewList)
>           println("2. reviewList.size:" + reviewList.length)
>           println("3. reviewList(0):" + reviewList(0))
>         }
>         featArray(idx) = if (reviewList.contains(reviewID)) 1.toDouble else
> 0.toDouble
>         idx += 1
>       }
>     }
>     featArray
>   }
> --
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